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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Q&A: How to get perfect pitch

Dear Aunt Calamity:
I play folk/rock music in the subway on the weekends, as I love to perform in public and it calms my brain after a heavy week of programming. Trouble is, I’m always forgetting my pocket tuner or running out of batteries. Without it, I’m likely to tune my guitar so my voice is out of range and thus embarrass myself. I’ve heard about a course that can “teach” perfect pitch (the ability to name any note by ear). Is that really possible or is it a hoax?
- Allen W., Atlanta, GA

Dear Allen:
Don’t risk your rupees. Just use your cell phone or ask to borrow one from a passerby. The standard US dial tone is a perfect F natural.
- Aunt Calamity, Technology Maven & Advice Columnist

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