
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Texas teen finds herself on Australian billboard, thanks to Flickr

When you put a picture up on Flickr with a Creative Commons license, do you know what that means, exactly? Among other things, it means that companies can use it in their advertising without paying you, or even consulting the people in the pictures. That's how Alison Chang of Dallas ended up on ads in bus shelters in Melbourne, Australia. Naturally, the lawyers are getting involved. (


Try it: Check out spectacular sights from Google Sky

News: Store owner turns tables with GPS

Bad idea: Linux nerds attempt to sell themselves to sorority girls

Web comic of the week: The Flowfield Unity


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