Who owns [your last name].com?
- Me! I was quick on the draw in the '80/'90s and/or I have an obscure last name
- Someone in my family
- An individual I don't know
- Some company or other organization that has my last name as part of its name
- Some company or other organization that owns the domain for puzzling reasons
- A porn site, shamefully
- Who cares? The important thing is that I own [my last name].org, [my last name].net, and [my last name].info!
Vote now!
What's your take on UFOs?
28.1% - Swamp gas, weather balloons, and gullibility
32.8% - Most are crackpot sightings, but I keep an open mind on a few
10.9% - They're experimental (but human) aircraft
28.1% - Alien saucers from beyond the moon! The truth is out there!
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