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Monday, October 16, 2006

Q&A: Are men really smarter than women?

Dear Aunt Calamity
I just heard that a researcher has determined that the male IQ is 3.6 percent higher than the female IQ. I don't think so. I can run mental circles around every guy in my department. What's your take on the study?
- Susan B., Pittsburg, PA

Dear Susan:
I received many, many e-mails this week about the controversial statement made by Prof. Phil Rushton, who seems to have a penchant for stirring up trouble.

Fret not my dear. IQ is but a small part of the much larger, contextual picture. Raw intelligence requires a proportional amount of street smarts to function well in the real world. Consider the PONGLBWTAFD-Q (Probability of Not Getting Lost Because Willing to Ask for Directions Quotient) in which women (87.3%) far outpace their male counterparts (4.1%).
- Aunt Calamity

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