
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Friday, October 06, 2006

IT Haiku and fun things to do

So you wear a tie.
Stop whining you big sissy.
You want pain?
Try hose.

Read more haiku

Things to do

- Check out some wicked cool sidewalk art (Yahoo video)

- Listen to the Star Wars theme played on a banjo (THEFORCE.NET)

- Read a review of the summer blockbuster cereals. On a personal note, I always wanted blue milk after watching Star Wars (Wired)

See all the to-dos

Thursday, October 05, 2006

German director boxes online critics

Uwe Boll, the director of such critical non-darlings as BloodRayne and Alone in the Dark, felt that his films were savaged so badly by online critics before their release that they had no chance to succeed, so he challenged four of his Web-based foes to an exhibition boxing match in Vancouver. While some enjoyed taking part in the spectacle, others weren't so keen. "I feel great. I feel like a very angry German man punched me in the head repeatedly," said the CEO for the Something Awful website. "He kept saying it was PR stunt and a joke, but then he comes on just murderizing me." (cnews)

News: Starting young with the eBay buying
Outofit: "The only user contribution is your ignorance"
Geek comic of the week: Geek and Poke

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

She's a 10

- Top 10 concert halls
- The top 10 dark nebulae
- The 10 best Firefox extensions for Web development
- Ten 'best damn' all-time baseball plays
- The top 10 Hawaiian beaches (MSN Travel)

See all the 10s

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sunday's are for...


Sunday's are for...

- Football
- A leisurely breakfast and reading the newspaper
- Household chores
- Getting a jump on the work week
- Sleeping late

Answer this week's poll


What's your favorite punchline?

15.6% - Better go catch it!
21.9% - To get to the other side
18.8% - Take my wife....Please
21.9% - I said 'Pianist'
21.9% - Okay, Bishop, you're the boss...

Answer another poll

Monday, October 02, 2006

Ask Aunt Calamity

Dear Aunt Calamity:

I’ve heard that the term “bug” was coined after a researcher found an actual insect inside an early computer. Is that true?
- Ben G., Yonkers, NY

Dear Ben:

There are several stories about the source of the term “bug,” including Edison’s use of the term in 1878 and, of course, researcher Grace Hopper’s 1947 discovery of a moth stuck in a relay within a prototype Mark II electromechanical computer at Harvard.

However, the first widespread use of the term can be attributed to when I drove my new ‘69 VW Beetle off the road and through the wall of the computer lab at UCLA after attending a three day groove-in at UCSB with Glen Culler and Burton Fried. The term comes from the April 6, 1969 phone conversation between Steve Crocker and Vint Cerf:

Crocker: “Hi Vint. Afraid the ARPANET transmission will have to wait until tomorrow. We have a little problem."

Cerf: “Problem? What problem?”

Crocker: “Looks like a bug.”

- Aunt Calamity, Technology Maven & Advice Columnist

Hankering for more of Auntie's wisdom? Click here.

See what else we've got whirling on ITwhirled this week.