
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

SHE'S A 10

- Top 10 Wikipedia tricks
- Top 10 essential tech skills for the modern man
- 10 reasons not to buy an iPhone (at least, not yet)
- Top 10 tips for managing software piracy

See all the tens

How many channels are available on your TV?

- I've got a tricked-out satellite dish grabbing every English-language station, plus soccer from Serbia
- I've got your top-of-the-line digital cable package
- I've just got basic cable - can't live without ESPN and the History Channel
- On a clear day, my bunny ears can pick up CBS and NBC
- You know you can get all that on the Internet now, right?

Answer this poll


What's the best thing about Fall?

19.2% - Kids are finally back in school
27.7% - Football
13.8% - Pale, fleshy legs are hidden away
39.2% - I can breathe the air
39.2% - I'm not the only one in the office

Answer another poll

Monday, September 17, 2007

Is the kilogram shrinking?

The kilogram is one of the few units of measure based on an actual phyisical object: a cylinder made of platinum and iridium, kept under triple-locked protection in Sevres, France. But the reference kilogram now weighs 50 micrograms less than copies that were made at the same time and are stored elsewhere. Is the kilogram shrinking -- or are the copies somehow becoming more massive? (cnews)


News: Earth safe from future solar expansion

News: Google pledges $30 million for private moon landing

Think again: In utero Mozart not such a great idea after all

Out of IT: Etch-a-sketch artist reproduces masterpieces

Web comic of the week: Gorillas vs. Robots in the 23rd century