
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Five groovy sites for free music downloads

Short of 'free food' and 'free beer,' 'free music' is one of the sweetest phrases you can hear. But getting tunes gratis doesn't have to mean ending up on the RIAA's Most Wanted list. These five sites will let you easily fatten up your music collection with tracks that creators and recording labels are giving away--all in DRM-free, MP3 format. An extra bonus: None of these sites require an e-mail address or any kind of registration. more

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The world's most annoying software

This is a good list of software that ranges from necessary but irritatingly implemented (Windows Update) to just plain asinine (RealPlayer). And Java, oh, Java! "Programming languages are like sewage plants: if the average user becomes aware of them, something's gone wrong. Java doesn't know this." OUCH for Java! more

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Belgians develop urine-controlled video games

If you think the Wii Remote is the ultimate in intuitive interfaces, well, get ready for Place to Pee, a new game system that will soon be arriving in Belgian urinals. A few simple games are planned that are controlled by hitting sensors in urinals ... with exactly what you'd think you'd hit a sensor in a urinal with. People can even stand at adjacent urinals for player-versus-player mode. more


Raytheon building robot soldier suit

Anyone who thinks that Iron Man is just fiction severely underestimates the ambition of America's defense contractors. Raytheon is working on a cybersuit that can lift hundreds of pounds, though it will look significantly less slick than the movie version. "It takes no special training, beyond learning to relax and trust the robot," said one engineer working on the suit, unsettlingly. more


Tech's 10 worst entry-level jobs

Would you want to be a customer support specialist for MySpace? A financial analyst at trouble Yahoo! A Windows support tech of any kind? Of course you don't. Find out why all these jobs, and more, will suck your soul out. more

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Poll: Do you own a Wii?

- Yes, and I have the bruises to proove it.
- Yes, but I hardly ever play.
- Not yet, but I'll get one for Wii Fit.
- Puhleeze. I'm a hard-core gamer.
- Nope. I'm not into video games.
- I don't even like to say Wii.

Vote now!


Is your job making you fat?

15.5% - I blame the man!
20.7% - I sit at my desk snacking all day, so yes.
43.1% - It's not my job so much as my slothfulness.
15.5% - Constantly putting out fires keeps me lean.
5.2% - Are you kidding? I can't keep weight on.

Answer another poll