
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

SHE'S A 10

- 10 reasons why software managers tend to suck

- Most notable notebooks of 2007

- Top 10 Wi-Fi boosts, tweaks, and apps

See all the tens

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

POLL: What's your Wikipedia usage like?

- I would never use anything so notoriously unreliable
- I use it as a starting point to find out about subjects I'm unfamiliar with
- I sometimes contribute to articles on subjects I'm knowledgeable about
- I can follow from link to link for hours, and have done major surgery on a number of articles
- I'm currently engaged in at least three very heated edit wars

Vote now!


Techies who sit all day: What's your solution to back pain?

Massage - 19.0%
Chiropractors - 6.1%
Yoga - 7.5%
Ibuprofin - 23.1%
Sitting up straight like my mother taught me, darn it - 44.2%

Answer another poll

Monday, November 05, 2007

This week in wacky auctions

Have you ever wanted to buy a small Texas town? How about Pol Pot's limousine? Both can be yours in the wonderland that is eBay. You've already missed your chance to buy a mailbox hit by a meteorite. ...Continue


Feature: Celebrity nerds

News: Human race to split into two species: One attractive, the other ugly

Out of IT: Sam Adams takes on Sam Adams over Sam Adams-themed URL

Bad idea: Spurned lover charged after seeking Internet revenge

Geek comic of the week: Beach Nuts