
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Friday, October 13, 2006

She's a 10: Coolest things seen on Google Earth

- Coolest things seen on Google Earth
- Top 10 Swedish metal bands
- Top 10 scenic drives in the U.S.
- Here come science's best and brightest: The 'brilliant 10'
- 10 Significant all-new 2007 cars

See all the 10s

Haiku 4 u

StickyDiet Coke! Mentos!
Supermarket alchemy!
Foamy explosions!

Read more haiku

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Experts: Future to be riddled with sci-fi cliches

Killer robots and evil artificial intelligences? A huge portion of the population so involved in virtual reality that they ignore real life? According to an array of tech visionaries, these scenarios and others that every studio in Hollywood would reject as too hackneyed lie in wait for us ... in the MYSTERIOUS FUTURE! (Ars Technica)

News: IT worker "too busy" to serve as city council member
OutofIT: Cell phone video messaging goes horribly awry
Geek comic of the week: Pixel

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Poll: What's your take on telework?


How do you feel about telework?

- I think work should be done in an office.
- I'm fine with the theory but I can't stand the Starbucks squatters.
- I'm all for it. Sign me up.

Answer this week's poll


Sunday's are for...

Football - 27.5%
A leisurely breakfast and reading the newspaper - 27.5%
Household chores - 7.8%
Getting a jump on the work week - 3.9%
Sleeping late - 33.3%

Answer another poll

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Q&A: How to get perfect pitch

Dear Aunt Calamity:
I play folk/rock music in the subway on the weekends, as I love to perform in public and it calms my brain after a heavy week of programming. Trouble is, I’m always forgetting my pocket tuner or running out of batteries. Without it, I’m likely to tune my guitar so my voice is out of range and thus embarrass myself. I’ve heard about a course that can “teach” perfect pitch (the ability to name any note by ear). Is that really possible or is it a hoax?
- Allen W., Atlanta, GA

Dear Allen:
Don’t risk your rupees. Just use your cell phone or ask to borrow one from a passerby. The standard US dial tone is a perfect F natural.
- Aunt Calamity, Technology Maven & Advice Columnist

Hankering for more of Auntie's wisdom? Click here.

See what else we've got whirling on ITwhirled this week.