
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

YOUR 2 CENTS: What is your most attractive geek quality?

- Your braininess
- Your typing prowess
- Your sense of style
- Your ability to fix stuff
- Your income

Answer this poll


Are you looking for a new job?

10.0% - I'm flinging my resume all over the place
36.0% - I'm always casually looking to see what's out there
30.0% - If a job fell in my lap, I'd consider it
24.0% - Nah, I've got a cushy gig going

Answer another poll

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

SHE'S A 10

- Ten ways being a geek makes you more attractive
- Top 10 useless sports traditions
- Top 10 Skype hacks
- The top ten most expensive board games in the world
- The top 10 beat-em-up games of all time

See all the tens

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

WHAT'S WHIRLING: Driving while intexticated

Feature: You can always build a better mousetrap -- or Post-It
Bad idea of the week: Driving while intexticated
Out of IT: Giving due praise to famous pranks
Geek comic of the week: f8d