
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

She's a 10

- Top ten laughably bad tech ads
- Top 10 villains you love to hate
- Top 10 programming concepts for librarians to understand

See all the 10s

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

POLL: Does the iPhone price cut change your mind about buying one?

* Not really - it's still too much for too little
* I'm holding out - it'll come down another $50 or so soon enough
* Now that it's in the sweet spot, I've got my credit card ready
* It sure made me change my mind about having bought one at the old price, I tell you what

Vote now!


How many channels are available on your TV?

7.3% - I've got a tricked- out satellite dish grabbing every English-language station, plus soccer from Serbia

26.0% - I've got your top- of-the-line digital cable package

34.1% - I've just got basic cable - can't live without ESPN and the History Channel

20.3% - On a clear day, my bunny ears can pick up CBS and NBC

12.2% - You know you can get all that on the Internet now, right?

Answer another poll

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Husband and wife have anonymous online affairs ... with each other

You know the song: a man, disenchanted with his relationship, meets a Pina Colada-loving woman through the personal ads, only to find that he's been corresponding with his own girlfriend. A similar scenario played itself out online in Bosnia, where a husband and wife were having anonymous online affairs ... with each other. But when they met in person, things got ugly, fast.


Out of IT: For sale on eBay: One smallish European country, slightly used
News: Alien attack in Peru?
Note to gamers: Take a break now and then, or risk death
Web comic of the week: Subterfuge