
Take a break from workday drudgery with ITwhirled. Each weekly installment covers the best in weird news, humor, gadgets, and all manner of offbeat items from the world of IT and beyond.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MySpace finishes conquest of human social life, now set to destroy journalism

THE GADGET CONFESSIONAL: Anything for you, dear

"I get new gadgets under the pretense of making my wife's life easier. Trouble figuring out all the remotes for watching DVDs in surround sound? Time for a touch-screen, macro-enabled universal remote."

Share your gadget secret, and enter our drawing to win an iPod.


Feature: Beware the photocopier

News: MySpace set to destroy journalism

Bad idea of the week: Selling drugs on Craigslist

Comic: Social media Websites in illustrated form

Gotta have it: The greatest geek remote control...ever